Rashid Taqui Moderates the Speaker Panel at the Inaugural Youth Engineers Event
In a country where public-sector jobs are a guaranteed route for every graduating Emirati, future projections show that soon, the public sector will not be able to support the increasing number of Emirati graduates.
In response to this changing employment landscape, the Dubai Municipality launched its inaugural Youth Engineers event targeted at the upcoming and fresh Emirati graduates, encouraging them to explore the private sector.
To best demonstrate the number of routes available for the near-200 attendees, the organisers of the event pulled together six key speakers from industry including Ahmed Bukash, Omid Rouhani, Majed Al Juwaid, Riyad Jukkah, Jawaher & Alya, Fasial Sawalma who individually presented their reason d’etre for choosing to work in the private sector after the introduction. The event had a welcome note by the Chairman of the Dubai Municipality and was followed a panel discussion and Q&A session moderated by Rashid Taqui.
The one-day symposium held at the new Youth Engineers Hub at the prestigious Emirates Towers Boulevard in Dubai, explored issues that every graduate faces when making such important life-choices including employment in small versus large firms, UAE-concentric v/s international firms, full-time employment v/s freelance, AutoCAD v/s importance of Revit, physical to virtual offices, architects as project managers, importance of participating in design competitions, networking, licensing, 3D printing, and augmented reality.
The event was supported by an exhibition of works by upcoming architecture and interior design graduates from local universities.